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CnC-3: The Third Annual Concurrent Collections Workshop

Wednesday, September 7, 2011 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins

Important Dates

July 31, 2011
August 7, 2011
September 7, 2011

CnC Events

CnC'11 (3rd annual)
CnC'10 (2nd)
CnC'09 (1st)


Ryan Newton
Indiana University
Rich Vuduc
Georgia Tech


Chris Krieger
Colorado State University


Kunal Agrawal
Washington University in St. Louis
Zoran Budimlić
Rice University
Michael Burke
Rice University
Kath Knobe
The annual Concurrent Collections (CnC) workshop is as a forum for researchers and developers of parallel programs to interact on a variety of issues related to next-generation parallel programming models. The focus is on fostering a community around the CnC programming model; however, we also strongly encourage participation by anyone with an interest programming models inspired by dataflow and/or tuple space ideas as well as current or emerging applications of such models.


There will be a $25 registration fee. Please register at the LCPC'11 website.


The workshop will be held at the Lory Student Center on the CSU campus, in the Cherokee Park Ballroom (Room 236D, Upper Level).

Lory Student Center – See #68 on this map:


The workshop agenda includes research and experience presentations, open group discussions, a panel session, and plenty of time will be left open for unstructured mixing, mingling, and networking.

8:00 – Continental breakfast available
8:15 – Chairs' Welcome
8:30 – Session 1: CnC Extensions
10:00 – Break
10:30 – Session 2: Novel CnC Implementations
12:00 – Lunch (provided)
13:30 – Panel Discussion: Memory Management in CnC
14:30 – Session 3: Applications of CnC
15:30 – Break
16:00 – Session 4: Applications of CnC – Continued
17:00 – End of program
Computer Science Building at Colorado State University, location of LCPC'11
Co-located with LCPC'11.

Background on CnC

CnC is a parallel programming model for mainstream programmers that differs from other approaches in its philosophy. A CnC programmer doesn't specify parallel operations; instead, he/she only specifies semantic ordering constraints. This provides a separation of concerns between the domain expert and the tuning expert, simplifying the job of the domain expert while providing more flexibility to the tuning expert. Details on CnC and related research can be found at:
Prior workshops have served as a forum for users and potential users of Concurrent Collections (CnC), to discuss experiences with CnC and a range of topics, including developments for the language, applications, usability, performance, semantics, and teaching of CnC.
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Need more information?

If you have any questions about logistics or participation, please contact the workshop chairs at

Last updated: August 15, 2011

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